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Biblioteca do Conhecimento Online (b-on / FCCN)

Government establishes as a basic principle the induction of an enterprising culture and of a climate favorable to innovation in Portuguese society, while the elements for the construction of a society and an economy are found in knowledge. In this direction, access becomes essential to the main sources of international knowledge, including most of the scientific areas, and stimulation of the conditions of universal access on the part of our scientific and academic community, looking to generate economies of scales and promoting the conditions of universal access universality to scientific production. In the scope of the Plan of Sharing Information for the Society (approved for the Resolution of the Cabinet nÂș 107/2003, of 12 of August), the Associate Minister of the Primeiro-Ministro, through the Unit of Mission Innovation and Knowledge (UMIC) and the Ministry of Science and Superior Instruction, had assumed as a priority strategic intervention supporting the generalization of access to international scientific publications in digital format, encompassing the scientific institutions devoted to teaching and to research and development. B-on (Biblioteca do Conhecimento Online) allows the access to more than 20.000 electronic journals and 25.000 ebooks from some of the major's international scientific and academic publishers.

Principal Consortial Functions
Collections sharing
Electronic content licensing