ICOLC operations are guided by a Coordinating Committee elected by ICOLC Members.
ICOLC Coordinating Committee Members
- Amanda Holmes, Co-Chair (FY 2022-2025), Canadian Research Knowledge Network | CRKN
- Amy Pawlowski (CY 2025-2027), Ohio Library and Information Network | OhioLINK
- Angus Cook (FY 2022-2025), Council of Australasian University Librarians | CAUL
- Anne Craig (FY 2022-2025), Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries in Illinois | CARLI
- César Pallares (CY 2024-2026), Consorcio Colombia/CONSORTIA
- Dyveke Sijm (CY 2023-2025), Royal Danish Library | KBNL | UNGLI
- Jiří Jirát, Co-Chair (CY 2023-2025, 2nd term), Czech National Centre for Electronic Resources | CzechELib
- Milan Vasiljevic (CY 2024-2026), Qatar National Library Consortium
- Rick Moul, (CY 2025-2027, 2nd term), Partnership Among South Carolina Academic Libraries | PASCAL
- Celeste Feather, ex officio for administration, Lyrasis
- Sharla Lair, ex officio, ICOLC Program Coordinator, ICOLC
Have a question for the ICOLC Coordinating Committee?
You are welcome to contact the Coordinating Committee directly by writing to icolccoord@lyrasislists.org. If you have a statement you would like the ICOLC Coordinating Committee to endorse, please see the Process for ICOLC Endorsement.