The Consortium of Ethiopian Academic and Research Libraries (CEARL) is a professional, non-profit making body which aims to assist and facilitate information access and use in Ethiopian higher learning and research institutes.
CEARL objectives are:
- Take advantage of the new Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) to encourage, coordinate and develop the educational, instructional and public information uses of library and information systems
- Maintain and develop a formal working relationship between the members of the consortium in order to foster co-operation, collaboration and contact.
- Support the information needs of clients through national co-operation, while encouraging each member to build good, basic and relevant collections sufficient to meet the needs of its clientele and act as a gateway for needs of clients.
- Promote resource sharing; formulate appropriate collection development and acquisitions policies among members, and to explore ways of saving costs.
- Improve information literacy among clients and to share training resources and expertise where appropriate.
- Contribute towards the provision of information for the development of the country.
Principal Consortial Functions
Collections sharing
Electronic content licensing
Interlibrary loan/document delivery
Other Functions
Library automation and expertise sharing