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Consortium unifié des établissements universitaires et de recherche pour l'accès aux publications numériques (Academic Consortium for Electronic Publications)

Faire de l’information scientifique et technique le bien commun de la communauté scientifique

The French consortium Couperin is a non-profit association funded by the Ministry of Higher Education and Research and by its members' fees. It is a network that unites different members: universities, research institutions and other organizations.

  • It currently includes 240 institutions (all the universities, Grandes Ecoles and research institutions are part of Couperin).

  • It evaluates, negotiates and arranges the purchase of electronic library resources at the best price possible for its members.

  • It promotes a national policy on the acquisition of scientific archives to ensure equal access to IST (Scientific and Technical Information) for the entire scientific community.

  • It works on improving scientific communication through the development of open archives. 

  • It encourages the establishment of systems for non-commercial dissemination of IST.

Couperin recueille et analyse les besoins documentaires de ses membres.

Couperin evalue, negocie et organise l’achat de ressources documentaires numeriques au benefice de ses membres.

Couperin construit et developpe un reseau national de competences et d’echanges pour l’acquisition et la valorisation des ressources electroniques.

Couperin, membre de l’ICOLC (International Coalition of Library Consortia) depuis l’origine, favorise la cooperation nationale, europeenne et internationale dans le domaine de la documentation et des publications electroniques.

Couperin has three permanent staff but relies mostly on voluntary librarians, including a general coordinator, two department heads, and 70 negotiators.


Principal Consortial Functions
Electronic content licensing