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Korean Electronic Site License Initiative

The KESLI Consortium began in 1999 as a library consortium for joint purchasing of scholarly e-journals, and transitioned to a system that can support the operation of consortia responding to the changing environment of the academic community. By transitioning from a package joint purchasing brokerage service to an information providing open service, the KESLI Consortium has established a national electronic information support system toward open access, and currently KESLI Consortium is focusing on the promotion and dissemination of the open access transformative agreement.

The KESLI Consortium has not only provided a joint purchasing consortium, but has also developed various programs, including librarian exchange programs, workshops and seminars, and published guides to increase librarians' knowledge of electronic resource licensing and open access transformative agreements. Both the programs and the guides have received a high level of satisfaction, making the KESLI Consortium a potential value creator.

The KESLI Consortium has been successfully implemented through a cooperative relationship between content providers and member institutions, and we strive to ensure the satisfaction of our member libraries and users as follows:

- To provide members with e-journal usage statistics, we collect the COUNTER report and offer an integrated service linked to journal metadata. We also provide journal subscription analysis services, including journal publishing analysis, institutional journal subscription analysis, and journal subscription recommendations, to help member institutions make data-driven journal subscription decisions.

- To meet the continuous demand for a standardized license model, we have been working on the development of the KESLI Standard License Model since 2008. By 2012, the KESLI Standard Agreement 1.0 had been implemented, with 14 publishers adopting it at that time. Development of a standardized model for open access transformative agreements is one of out next step.

- In order to expand the open access transformative agreement, we are encouraging publishers to propose open access terms and conditions, and we are engaged in domestic and international cooperation and promotion activities. We also manage the workflow of open access publication under the open access transformative agreement and disseminate the related experience to domestic educational and research institutions.

Principal Consortial Functions
Cataloging services
Electronic content licensing
Union lists/shared online catalogs