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Portal de Periódicos da CAPES

Programa Brasileiro de Acesso à Informação Científica e Tecnológica.

The CAPES Portal de Periódicos is the Brazilian national electronic library consortium for science and technology that was created during the year 2000 to make scientific knowledge more easily accessible in Brazil. It is a virtual library that aggregates high quality content, provided through publishers and international scientific associations. The program is maintained by CAPES, a public foundation attached to the Ministry of Education, whose mission includes the consolidation of post-graduate strictu sensu system (Master and PhD level) in Brazil. It's rule includes evaluation or post-graduate courses, access and communication of scientific production, investiment on preparation of high-level human resources (such as professors and researchers) using national and international academic institions and promotion of international scientific cooperation. Today more than 3 millions faculty members, researchers, graduate and undergraduate students and technical personnel of more than 400 institutions have free access to full-text of more that 32,000 leading journals and the premier multidisciplinary and subject databases covering all areas of academic activity. In 2011 we had more than 69 millions access, the CAPES Portal de Periodicos is a successful government service to the academic community in Brazil.

Principal Consortial Functions
Electronic content licensing
Electronic content loading/presentation