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Serbian Library Consortium for Coordinated Acquisition

KoBSON, the Serbian Library Consortium for Coordinated Acquisition was established in 2001 and represents the Serbian research community. Through the National Library of Serbia, acting as a hub, the Consortium currently provides access to some 30,000 international journal titles, and more than 160,000 books. All these licenses are financed centrally by the Ministry of Science through a contract with the National Library. The KoBSON portal is the official site of the Serbian Consortium, hosted and maintained by the Center for Scientific Information at the National Library of Serbia. The portal offers integrated access to electronic content subscribed by the Consortium.

Principal Consortial Functions
Collections sharing
Electronic content licensing
Electronic content loading/presentation
Other Functions
- optimized procurement of international scientific information
- transition from paper to electronic editions
- improving access to electronic information
- promotion of domestic scientific publishing