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SWAN Library Services

SWAN provides a shared library services platform for 100 member libraries with the primary purpose of resource sharing within Illinois. The shared catalog contains 1.5 million records of 8 million items shared.

    Continuing education and training to library employees and trustees
    Networking opportunities through topic based user groups & online community forums
    Public discovery layer facilitating search and inter-library lending
    Shared integrated library system
    Centralized cataloging
    Data analytics
    Catalog mobile app
    Integrated eBooks, eAudio, eStreaming content
    Federated search via EBSCO Discovery Service
    Remote database access via OpenAthens proxy service
    Database subscriptions within a group purchase arrangement
    User notification using automated phone, SMS, email, and print
    Online commerce for user payments
    Centralized tracking and reimbursement of unreturned material

The SWAN service area represents a population of 1.9 million within a 775 square mile region of the Chicago suburban area. SWAN is formed as an Illinois intergovernmental instrumentality, and is funded by its member libraries with a portion of its funding from the Illinois State Library. SWAN is governed by a 7 member elected board of directors elected by its member libraries.

Principal Consortial Functions
Cataloging services
Collections sharing
Electronic content licensing
Electronic content loading/presentation
Interlibrary loan/document delivery
Union lists/shared online catalogs