The Washington Research Library Consortium (WRLC) was established in 1987 by some of the major universities in the Washington D.C. area to share library collections and information technology in order to enhance the resources available to their students and faculty.
WRLC provides mission-critical services to its member universities:
- information technology supporting library operations and resource-sharing
- access to online resources
- technologies to support digital collections and share campus scholarship, and
- offsite storage to free valuable space in campus libraries.
The Washington Research Library Consortium will be a catalyst creating synergies
among the partner universities to enable the success of learning and scholarship.
The Washington Research Library Consortium is a collaborative partnership
providing proactive and responsive, innovative, cost-effective access to shared
information resources, services and expertise.
Principal Consortial Functions
Collections sharing
Interlibrary loan/document delivery
Storage facilities
Other Functions
Shared integrated library management system