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Washington State Library Statewide Database Licensing

Through Washington libraries, all Washingtonians will have access to a range of electronic database products with which to address their informational and educational needs. And, Washington libraries will be able to leverage their resources to gain more cost effective access to database products.

SDL is a project coordinated by the Washington State Library to give Washington state citizens access to online commercial databases through their local libraries at a discounted cost.

With guidance from the project's steering committee, the project uses federal LTSA grant funds to underwrite licenses to full-text magazine, newspaper and K-12 databases. Initiated in 1998, this project pays one half the annual costs. Libraries' local funds pay the rest. Local library shares are determined by the statewide advisory committee.

Libraries participating in SDL include:

  • 15 Academic libraries
  • 24 Community and technical colleges
  • 52 Public libraries and library systems
  • 7 Gov't, medical, research, and special libraries
  • 3 Tribal libraries
  • Approximately 1,500 K-12 libraries (membership is via the 9 regional Educational Service Districts)
Principal Consortial Functions
Electronic content licensing
Other Functions
Coordinating group purchases